Awards are Silly

Receiving recognition for one’s work is always a nice thing.  As do many artists, I rely on awards competitions as a means of promotion and when I do win, feel truly lucky to be included in annual shows amongst so many of my talented peers.  My kid’s book, “This is Silly!” has been faring well in the world of awards.  This past year, I  have received recognition from American Illustration and The Society of Illustrators, which are both very high honours in the graphics communications field.

I  am also very pleased to have been recently notified of my kid’s book being accepted into the AIGA’s 50 Books/50 Covers show.  AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) is a wonderful organization that hosts this annual show every December.  Writing and illustrating my book was a dream project. I was very lucky to have Scholastic Press publish my book and to work with David Saylor who was my Editor (along with Adam Rau) and Creative Director.  The book was art directed by Phil Falco.  I really need to mention that Phil’s nephew caught an inconsistency in an early draft where the monkey’s hat mysteriously reappeared on his head when it fell off on the prior spread.  You can’t pull anything past kids so don’t even try!  You can view Phil’s fantastic work by clicking here.



In addition to the above series from my kid’s book, I have already received 3 more awards for the below illustrations from the wonderful 3×3:  The Magazine of Contemporary Illustration.

Below:  “Fantastic Facial Fashion”, The London Telegraph



Below:  “The Day The Caffeine Died”, National Novel Writing Month


Below:  “Trolley”, “Slots”, “Cabbie, Broadway,  skateboard decks for AKMG.  Please click here for purchasing info.